Sorry for the lack of posts, but I didn't even have internet access (it was agonizing) where I was staying. I'll be playing catch up most of this week. Overall it was a really much needed break. I'm rested and ready for a super busy wedding season! Now I just have to ramp up on everything, I also apologize for the slow response to voicemails (I updated my email but I forgot to change my voicemail to notify everyone I was out of the country - oops)
I couldn't believe at how clear and BLUE the ocean was right in front of our hotel. Rebekah had a blast playing for the first time in the beach and running from the waves!
Read more on Reb's blog!
Just before we headed off to Cancun, I found out my buddy Chris Uglanica from Canada was gonna be there at the same time! He was shooting a destination wedding for Tara and Nick and we ended up hooking up to shoot together. Thanks to my lovely (and very understanding) wife Lily, she was cool to let me go for part of the day to help out Chris. It was a beautiful wedding at Iberostar Paraiso Resort. Here are a few pics from Tara and Nicks wedding:
During the ceremony this lady decides to move her lounge chair so as to be in the wedding pictures while she sun bathed nude! Click on these two images and look closely...
Unbelievable, but we all had a laugh about it!
More pics...
And we met some pretty funny (or should I say loaded) people on the beach who were good sports about posing for us...
A HUGE THANKS to Chris for inviting me, and for Tara and Nick for having me at their wedding!!! Congrats guys!
More pics on Chris' blog.
Wedding photography in Cancun Mexico, destination wedding photos of Cancun, Destination wedding photographer Greg Bumatay, Mexico
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