I love this tee. Maybe because I work in an industry where the producer takes all the credit. (Umm if my producer reads this... it's all a dream, go back to sleep...) So I love the tee and I love the little "Peek-a-Belly" anecdote printed on the inside, but seriously, the ladies tee is too short. And a little oddly shaped for my liking. But having said that, I'm a weird shape so the rest of you humans will probably find it quite satisfactory. I'll just wack a tank on underneath my balloon and be on my merry way.
STATSAdvantages: Nifty concept. Also check out 'Off the Wall' for some good lookin' goodness.
Disadvantages: It done don't fits me right.
Buy it from:
Good At MagicGet out your wallets: £21
In stock: man: S-L lady: S-M
Model models: Lady M
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