Instantly recognisable by true nerds everywhere, TRON is cool. If you haven't seen it, SEE IT! a 1981 scifi movie about people going inside computers where everybody wears spandex body suits and glows in the dark. This t-shirt actually GLOWS IN THE DARK! It glows in the fucking dark!
Anyway, back to my point... As soon as anybody asks about this t-shirt you can say "You've never seen Tron?" and BLAMO!!!!! you are instantly old school. Instant gratification.
Now i have to say this, and I know I have written about a couple of shirts that I think are really cool, but this shirt is the FUCKING COOLEST! I get all giggly when I think about it. And I know this blog is turning into a bit of a Chop Shop love fest, having just posted about the second in this series, but they are just doing really super stuff. They deserve.
Advantages: Sweet.
Disadvantages: Have to buy the sequel tee.
Buy it from: Chop Shop
Get out your wallets: US$20
In stock: man: S-L
Model models: Man L
Review by: ThomP

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