Well... It's a mechanical bug. I may have missed something. Some other meaning. It's quite pretty. Pretty enough anyway. The simple fact of the matter is that amongst the phalanx of T-shirts in my possession, this one gets a frequent wearing. It's not extraordinary or hilarious, but in ordinary life it's a very good shirt. I wear it to meetings. Though that says more about me than the shirt. So the best thing you can say about any shirt in the long run is that it gets worn out rather than eaten away by the darkness and moths at the bottom of the pile.
STATSAdvantages: Quality everyday fare.
Disadvantages: Scares Entomophobic Luddites.
Buy it from:
SharpShirterGet out your wallets: US$22
In stock: man: S-XL lady: S-L
Model models: Man L
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