It’s okay to head for the banquet straight-away if you’ve dispensed with social niceties and smiling at probable relatives of the wedded couple, but do so in a gracious manner to avoid drawing attention to yourself! Besides, if you conduct yourself with refinement, there’s no way people will catch on to the reality of your having crashed their party, especially if you are dressed-well and act decently. For every party – even the home-parties that friends have, tend to get their share of a party-crasher or two and nobody thinks any the worse of tagging along with a friend to some other person’s party even though this is actually a discourtesy done to the host and not to be encouraged at all! But, few people understand that and sometimes, the party-crashers end up being the toast of the ball so the host is quite glad there was someone fun to turn up the thrill quotient of their dead-beat party, anyway!
If you fancy yourself as the typical Life-Of-The-Party Guy or Gal, then being a wedding crasher is the vocation for you! Well, we’re just kidding about the vocation part, but seriously, it can be great fun and an adventure too, to be a wedding party crasher at least once – double the fun if you’re with a friend, so tag along one if you can – lesser chance of hosts suspecting a couple as compared to an individual they don’t recognize besides it gives you a certain respectability as well if you walk in with a distinguished partner on your arm!
If you see wedding celebrations on and make yourself at home, feeding your faces and joining in the activities planned for special invited guests, you can’t help but feel you’ve done it all by yourself and successfully crashed the wedding of your choice. But, there’s more to the concept of wedding crashing than simply managing to get in – it’s also about staying in and blending with the crowds and not being found out or horror of horrors, thrown out!
Here we present some fun tips to crash the wedding of your choice – and stay in too; take a look if you are a potential wedding crasher for this is a crash course in crashing parties like this!
1. Most wedding crashers are people that missed out on an invite and want to join in the celebrations for the fun of it; many do not intend spoiling the party for anybody and take it as an occasion to indulge in some merry-making at someone else’s cost, thinking what difference will it make to the host if one extra person turns up to nibble a few eats. Actually, it doesn’t if you act gracefully.
2. Try and befriend a guest or family member, claiming acquaintance to feel welcome and prevent being caught out.
3. Get off a sticky situation by pretending to be part of the planning crew e.g. catering or coordinating agency staff.
Show up late, have your fill of fun, food and frolic and exit quietly so you are inconspicuous.
by : Abhishek Agarwal
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