We called their party "The Royal Party", and instead of the regular invitations, we used the scrolls (you can buy tan colored paper to almost any computer store)and we wrote invitations to an old-looking calligraphy.
We have covered the shields of the construction paper and cardboard swords with aluminum foil. Images of King Arthur, Merlin, etc., were hung from the walls and in fact there was the Camelot of the day did not feel (remember, unicorns, especially as the party of a girl!).
We have a castle made of cardboard and place it on the round table. She loved it. We have our big dictionary, put a lid on and wrote: "Magic Spells" on and opens to a page that looked like it was about magic.
You can find medieval-type music just about anywhere.
As for the food, we had big turkey, grapes, strange-looking bread and cheese. Now we also had brand chocolate, so it is not totally "authentic"!
I tried my best to speak, as when I were from medieval time, but that kind of fizzled out mid-party! Nobody really minded, as everyone (adults included) had a great time.
It is a fun way to be creative and make your seven years old, a birthday party to remember!
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