My beloved Vintage Vantage has new tees! I'm not thrilled about some of them but I adore these two more. I'm loving "I'm pretty sure there is something written on your forehead", can't put my finger on the artist but it looks like Bananaphone of
Threadless fame to me. I also love a good grammar tee, and here's one now.
Get 'em at:
Vintage VantageFor moolah to the value of: US$22.50

Here's another couple of older VV designs for your viewing pleasure. "Advertising Helps Me Decide" is my next purchase for sure, but I'm having a moral dilemma. I can get it cheaper from
Palmercash or pay a little more to get it from the source. Given that it's VV's choice to provide their tees to an intermediary, surely it's ok to buy it from the latter. Though also given that VV probably pays artists (and I
am assuming here) a set rate, they are also an intermediary. BUT they're the commissioning intermediary so they get baggsies. But for Jesus H Macey's sake it's only one buck and I'll pay it to keep my conscience clear. Discuss.
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