Shipping was super-fast and customer service was spiffing. I've never met them but they seem like people I'd like to hang about with at a pub on a Sunday evening.
Wearing their 'VantageSoft' fabric is like rubbing angels against your naked body. It's similar to JunkFood, but 100% cotton so your pores should be throwing a pore-party in your honour if you buy this tee.
During said tee wearage, I had several strangers come and talk to me. One spoke about how society is becoming humourless, the supermarket checkout guy told me all about his collection of offensive t-shirts, and others just thought I was hot I guess. Two separate people commented that it 'should have a baby eating a dingo on it, that'd be way funnier,' but people are dumb.
Advantages: Great for picking up.
Disadvantages: Made me like wearing yellow tees. Now there's a whole new world out there for my credit card to explore.
Buy it from: Vintage Vantage
Get out your wallets: US$22.50
In stock: lady: XS-L man: S-XXL
Model models: Ladies M

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