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Joshua Bumatay

I have a son! HoOuOYAaahh! I'm still so stoked to have a son! Lily and I were debating over names for our new baby boy because we hadn't really come to a decision until yesterday about the name. We didn't know if it was going to be a boy or girl, and it was so worth it to keep the surprise!!! When the time came the doctors let me announce it, and of course I choked at the last second - I think I said something like "it's a boyrl!" and had to get my composure (and a second look) before saying it loudly "it's a BOY!". LOL So it was not that easy picking the name... well I think Lily would have liked Jason Bourne Bumatay, which would have revealed how much we both love action movies. I kind of toyed with the idea of naming him after a hero warrior by the name of Datu Lapu Lapu, but Lily argued he'd forever be picked on by other kids. We tried coming up with something profound or clever, but our minds just came up with some pretty goofy ideas. When it came down to it, we picked a name we both liked for our own different reasons. Lily wanted a name that she simply liked. I wanted something that was somewhat masculine, nothing that could be same sex like Sam, Pat, or Jo. So we are naming our son JOSHUA. It just so happens that Joshua from the bible led the Israelites into victory over all their enemies. So I wasn't too heart broken over not having Datu Lapu Lapu. (hahaha it's late and I need to stop jabbering and just show some pics!)

Thank you all for those that already left us emails, messages or blog comments to congratulate us. I truly have that "warm and fuzzy feeling" inside of me - it so nice to know that we're surrounded by family and friends who care about us.

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